• Part-time Workers
Any claim of employees in any of these employment working up to and inclusive of 4 hours per day - 60% of the total enrollment fixed for full time workers.
Explanation: For the purposes of this notification.
(1) Competent Authority means the Competent Authority appointed by the Government of Maharashtra, Industries, Energy and labour Department, Notification No. MWA 5284/5819/Lab. 7, dated the 3rd August, 1984.
(2) Zone System
(a) Zone-I shall comprise of the areas within the limits of all Municipal Corporations, and adjoining cantonment areas (if any).
(b) Zone-II shall comprise the areas with the limits of all "A" Class Municipal Council and adjoining cantonment areas (if any).
(c) Zone-III shall comprise rest of the areas of the State (excluding areas in Zone I and II).
(3) In cases where the employee is employed on a basis other than monthly basis, the minimum rates of daily wages payable shall be computed by dividing the minimum rate of monthly wages fixed for the category of the employees to which he belongs by 26, the portion being stepped up to the nearest paisa.
(4) The minimum rates of wages shall consist of all inclusive rate allowing for the basic rate, the cost of living allowance and cash value of concession, if any.
(5) The average Consumer Price Index Number in respect of Ten Centers in the State of Maharashtra for working class (New Series 1982 = 100) shall be the cost of living index number applicable to the employees employed in the said Scheduled Employment (in pursuance of Clause (d) of the Section 2 of the said Act) and the Competent Authority shall after expiry of every six months commencing on the first day of January and the first day of July calculate the average of the cost of living index number applicable to the said employees for those six months and ascertain the rise of such of such average over the Consumer Price Index Number 3()0. For such rise of every point, special allowance (hereinafter referred to as "the cost of living allowances") payable to the employees in the said scheduled employment for each of the six months immediately following the six months in respect of which such average has been calculated as aforesaid, shall be at the rate of Rs. 3.85 per month in respect of all Zones.
(6) The Competent Authority shall compute the cost of living allowance in accordance with the directions made under the preceding para.
(7) The cost of living allowance computed as aforesaid shall be declared by the competent authority by Notification in the Official Gazette, in the last week of July when allowance is payable for each of the months of July to December and last week of January when such allowance is payable for each of the months of January to June.
Provided that the Competent Authority shall declare the cost of living allowance payable in respect of the period from the date of revision of the rates of minimum wages to the end of June or December as the case may be immediately after the said date, with effect from which the Minimum rates of wages are revised.
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