Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter: 2 M. R. T. U. P. U. L. P. 1971.

M. R. T. U. P. U. L. P. 1971.

The Industrial Disputes Act is a Central Act while M.R.T.u. & P.u.L.P. Act is a State Act. In the state of Maharashtra, the enactment by name the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946 is in force. It applies to specific industries like Sugar, Textile, Co-operative Banks etc. Industries other than these specified industries are covered by the Central i.e. I.D. Act, including Hospital industry.

The M.R.T.u.&P.u.L.P. Act caters for three areas basically, viz;
1) Recognition of Trade Unions.
2) Declaring certain strikes and Lock-Outs as illegal.
3)   Prevention of unfair labour practices. (A.I.R. 1976 SC 2433).

'This Act applies to the industries to which 'the B.I.R. Act 1946 applies and also to the industries under I.D. Act, in so far as the state Government is an appropriate Government.

• M.R.T.U.P.U.L.P.1971

The complete name of this Act is " MAHARASHTRA RECOGNITION OF TRADE UNIONS AND PREVENTION OF UNFAIR LABOUR PRACTICES ACT,' (M.R.T.U. AND P.U.L.P. ACT). Under this act any Labour Union having sufficient membership from the workers of that particular Industry of Establishment can apply for recognition as the Union of that particular Industry or Establishment.

Under Sec. 4 of this Act the state Govt. has the powers to constitute an Industrial Court. This will have minimum three members who will not be connected with any Industry or who have no interest in such Industry. Two of them should be of the rank of High Court Judge and one member may be a person to whom the State Govt. feels that he has expert knowledge of Labour or Industrial matters.

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