Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter: 2.4.2 Section 30 in M.R.T.U.P.U.L.P.

Section 30

(1) In any proceeding under this Act, the Court may pass such interim order (including any temporary relief or restraining order) as it deems just and proper (including directions to the person to withdraw temporarily the practice, complained of which is an issue in such proceeding),' pending final decision;

• Provided that, the Court may on a application, review any interim order passed' by it.

(2) For the propose of holding an enquiry or proceeding, the Court shall have the same powers as are vested under Act in Courts in respect of:

(a) Proof of facts by affidavit;
(b) summoning anci' enforcing the attendance of person, and examining him on oath
(c) Compelling the production on documents and
(d) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesse

(4) The Court shall also have powers to call upon the, parties to proceedings before it to furnish in writing, and in such forms; any information, which is considered relevant for the purpose of any proceedings before it, and party so called upon shall thereupon furnish information to best of its knowledge and belief, and if so required by the Court to do so, verify the same in such manner as may be prescribed.

• 'The Courts have struck Unfair Labour Practiees firmly with an iron hand whenever it noticed Unfair Labour Practices either committed by employers or Trade Unions.

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