Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter: 2.1.1 Additionally it has following important function

Additionally it has following important function:

•    Inspection/ visitation with a view to maintain proper standard of medical education in India.
•    Permission to start new medical colleges, new Courses including P.G. or Higher Courses, increase of seats etc.
•    Recognition/ de-recognition of Indian Qualifications / Foreign qualifications
•    Indian Medical Register: Maintenance of All India Medical Register of persons who hold any of the recognized medical qualification or for the time being registered with any of the State Medical Councils or Medical Council of India.
•    Registration: Permanent registration / Provisional registration / Registration of Additional Qualification.

It is important to note that Medical Council of India does not deal with Registration, duties and responsibilities of Paramedical personnel, Dental Surgeons and practice of Indian systems of Medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy.

Composition of Council

Medical Council of India consists of the following members, namely:

a)    One member from each State other than a Union Territory to be nominated by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government concerned.
b)    One member from each University, to be elected from amongst the members of the medical faculty of the University by members of the Senate of the University or in case the University has no senate, by members of the Court.
c)    One member from each State in which a State Medical Register is maintained, to be elected from amongst themselves by persons enrolled on such Register who possess the medical qualifications included in the  First and Second Schedule or in Part-II of the Third Schedule.
d)    Seven members to be elected from amongst themselves be persons who possess the medical qualifications included in Part I of the Third Schedule.
e)    Eight members to be nominated be the Central Govt.
f)    The President and Vice-President of the Council shall be elected by the members of the Council from amongst themselves.

Important regulations pertaining to functions of the council are as under.

•    The Indian Medical Council Act, 1956
•    Medical Council of India Regulations 2000
•    The Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics Regulations 2002
•    The Screening Test Regulations, 2002.
•    Eligibility Requirement for taking admission in an undergraduate medical course in a Foreign Medical Institution Regulations, 2002
•    Regulations on graduate medical examination, 1997
•    The Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations 2000
•    Establishment of New Medical College Regulations, 1999
•    Medical Council of India Norms and guidelines for Fees and Guidelines for admission in Medical Colleges) Regulations 1994.

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